Thursday, January 3, 2008

I Will Attempt to Answer Your Burning Questions

Dearest Reader,

Since you've found your way to this blog, I think it's safe to assume that you care about your impact on the environment and you're striving to make a difference. However, you've probably figured out that the "right" thing to do is not always so clear. Paper or plastic? Fake tree or real tree? Bamboo or cork? Sprite or Sierra Mist? Can you recycling a milk carton with a built-in plastic flange? Just how clean do your used cat food cans need to be? Mulch your grass clippings or rake and compost them? And on and on.

Well, I'm here to help. I want you, yes YOU, to send me your environmental questions, no matter how small, and I will do my best to answer them. If I don't know the answer, I will find someone who does. So, go ahead and fire me an electronic mail message and ask your eco-question. If you're curious about something, chances are other folks are wondering too.

One more thing: Happy Thursday.

blukas *AT* gmail (DOT) com


Mrs. Harridan said...

Where *do* I recycle a milk carton with a plastic flange? The only place I've heard of that will take them is that huge recycling center in Pottstown where you have to pay a fee to give them your stuff.

Anonymous said...

What's going to happen to the environment when the Chinese middle class steps off their bicycles and behind the wheel of their increasingly affordable cars? Do you think science will find a way to keep us all from choking on our own success?

Anonymous said...

Great post as for me. It would be great to read something more about that topic.
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