Monday, December 3, 2007

Let's Get Dirty With Our Composters

Noticing some evil glaring from my neighbors, I decided that it would be a good idea to rake up the massive drifts of leaves in my yard this weekend. It turned out to be kind of fun--a bit of fresh air and exercise, and I even got to speak with one of said neighbors. He said, "goddamn the PVC fence put up by the people next to you is butt-ugly." High five! I'm back in the fold.

At the end of my labors, I had five large black plastic bags stuffed with leaves. But wait a minute, didn't I say that plastic bags suck? Did I really want to send all of that nutrient-rich organic goodness to a festering landfill? What would Jesus do?

Composting. It's a badge of honor in the eco-geek community. True granola cred. When I started this enviro-blog, I knew people (six or so) would be looking to me to show them the way. It's a heavy responsibility. I knew what I had to do. I had to go online and order a tumbling composter.

After a couple of brow-furrowed hours searching through reviews and lured by the sweet nectar of free shipping, I whipped out my AMEX and shelled out a couple hunskies on a rodent-resistant Tumbleweed Composter. If it works as advertised, I should be able to fill it with grass clippings, leaves and most kinds of non-meat organic kitchen waste. After that, it's just a matter of flipping the sucker every couple of days to aerate the mix and help the microbes do their work. Mostly, I'll sit back and let the money roll in.

OK, I lied about the money, but composting does save landfill space, improve soil quality, help flowers grow and give you the delicious feeling of being better than other people. You go--sexy composting girl. Shake that dirt!

Don't worry, I'm still humble. I'll keep you posted on my filthy little adventure.

Composting: A Geektastic User's Guide
Planet Natural Garden Supply
The Rad Tumbleweed Compost Maker I Bought
Free Composting Workshops in Philadelphia

1 comment:

filtered water bottles said...

Amazing composter, by the way, may I know, how much it cost?