Wednesday, December 5, 2007

News Flash: Divorce is Bad!

Apparently, the high rate of divorce is putting a hurt on Mother Earth, as well as the kids (it's not your fault Mommy and Daddy are in court). So says ecologist Jianguo Liu at Michigan State University, who found that the splitting of households causes Americans to spend billions of extra dollars on water and electricity annually. From an energy point of view, it's more efficient to have more people sharing resources under the same roof. One refrigerator is better than two, and so on.

Of course, this efficiency principle applies to any multi-person household, whether or not the occupants are married. Don't get all "family values" on me!

On the other hand, think of all the trees chopped up for divorce papers. It's truly shameful.

Give your honey an extra back-rub tonight--for the environment.

1 comment:

Roger said...

This is why people need to shack up. To save the earth. I have actually seen posts on craigslist made by people looking for "sleep together" roommates. I never realized that they are just trying to save the planet! I really need to get my mind out of the gutter.