Some "green bloggers" would let you know when their new composter was delivered. They might even write up a little three paragraph review. Pshaw! I'm taking this to the ultra-nerd max and throwing down a good old-fashioned unboxing and assembly montage for the $199 Tumbleweed Compost Maker. If that doesn't get your heart racing--you're dead to me.

The whole operation took me about a half hour, mostly because I stopped to take pictures for you, the loyal reader. A super-handy person could probably put the composter together in 15 minutes. My only complaint so far is that one of the twist-off lids is hard to open and close. It seems like the plastic tabs are a little too tight. I'm hoping that improves with use. In the meantime, I can just use the lid that's easy to open.
The instructions say that I can expect finished compost in about four weeks. I'm guessing it'll take a bit longer because it's currently the dead of winter. I'll keep you posted.
The instructions say that I can expect finished compost in about four weeks. I'm guessing it'll take a bit longer because it's currently the dead of winter. I'll keep you posted.
More on the Tumbleweed Composter
Official Assembly Instructions (pdf)
Buy it at Planet Natural
Haha, that thing is cool!
It's green in several senses of the word, of course, but do they have to make it such an eyesore? I'm not so sure I'd want that thing hanging out in my kitchen. Kinda reminds me of R2D2...only greener.
Call me superficial, it's okay. Can't we go green and look good doing it?
I should have said that the tumbleweed composter (and most other ones too) is meant to live outside. I guess the green is supposed to camouflage the thing. You couldn't keep it inside even if you wanted to because it's not watertight and would leak "compost tea" all over your floor. Yuck!
You can definitely find a smaller composter for your yard, and I suppose a regular old compost pile would be the least conspicuous if you have room for it and the tenacity to go out and manually turn the refuse once in a while.
I really like the point that you're raising here. Let me do some more research and see what I can find that might be more appealing to the eye. I'm all about looking good.
Now that you have had this composter for a while, do you still recommend it?
Clay Anderson
I bought one of these and found your pictures very helpful.
Sadly mine broke after 3 months - they don't seem very well made. And it is not insulated, so I am unconvinced it would work well unless you live somewhere hot. And it is very hard to turn.
My advice would definitely be to buy something else!
I have two of these 'green monsters' - I bought them both 2nd hand and both are working beautifully.
I keep them on my patio where they get plenty of sunshine (Im in Western Australia.
They really imporoved the sandy soil and all in a relatively short time.
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